The Alpine Border

Planting a border full of alpine plants 😀

It was lovely to get started on planting the new borders in the middle of the garden today 🌼🌸

This is the alpine border (and a couple of other bits and pieces) all with small plants that will grow no more than about 15-20cm in height.

The idea and hope is to create a whole carpet of flowers here that will bring colour from spring to autumn and dense growth that will suppress weeds. One of the best things about this border is also is that it won’t need too much care or attention during the year.

This is a no-dig border and all I did was lay a layer of cardboard on top of the grass / weeds and then spread homemade compost from the poultry run and a top layer of Merlin’s Magic (which is locally sourced peat-free green compost).

In the border I’ve planted:

  • Saxifraga
  • Aubretia
  • Dianthus
  • Geranium
  • Yellow Alyssum
  • Armeria
  • Gypsophila Prostrata
  • Thyme
  • Phlox
  • Sedum

… and there’s many more in the polytunnel ready to plant 😍