Today, to celebrate St David’s Day I am launching a new website www.adamynyrardd.cymru. The website is going to be a focal point for all the gardening content I create online including blogs, gardening learning resources, videos and the services we can provide as a company.
We will keep the website up to date with new blogs sharing simple advice on all kinds of gardening topics. If you have the opportunity go and read ‘Meet Adam from West Wales‘ this is an article I recently contributed to the Human’s Who Grow Food website.
If you are a teacher or lead a community group the learning page will include all kinds of videos and resources to support you in starting your exciting journey in the garden. Use the search box at the top of the page to search gardening topics. The learning section includes a simple guide to pruning, how to start seeds and the simple steps of creating compost to name but a few of the resources available.
If you like gardening or wish to develop the garden but are a little unsure as to how to get started, I offer a range of gardening services to support you. Go to the services page to learn more.
One of St David’s most notable sayings was ‘Do the little things in life that you saw and heard from me’ I hope that this website will be a useful bilingual gardening resource that will facilitate your experience in the garden. I hope it will encourage you to give it a go regardless of the size of your garden or the depth of your experience. Doing the little things in life like planting flower seeds or growing your own vegetables can make a huge difference and is good for the soul.
Enjoy the gardening!