I can’t wait to fill every bed, pot and corner of the garden full of vegetables and flowers again
The garden is going to change a lot this year, we plan to move the chickens to the orchard and replace the small polytunnel with a new growing tunnel 3m x 10m (we’ll keep the small one but move it to another part of the garden). Another (recycled) greenhouse will join these two to form a row of three – one for tomatoes, one for peppers and chillies and one for cucumbers of all kinds.
We also plan to plant a new orchard of native fruit trees (Denbigh Plums, Bardsey Apple, Snowdon pear, Marged Nicolas apple) and sow a wildflower meadow underneath them. We also hope to establish a cut flower garden and herbaceous borders full of perennials as well as hopefully increasing the number of beehives from 3 to 10
It’s safe to say that we will be very busy in the garden this year but I really can’t wait to get on with the exciting plans