There is so much excitement when snow falls forming a thick blanket over the garden but is snow good or bad for our plants?
My grandfather used to say that heavy snow is good for the garden and helps the plants grow strong in the spring. But is this true?
One advantage of having a heavy snow fall is that it acts as an insulator over the soil and plants and protects them from the coldest temperatures.
If the temperature drops suddenly without snow cover, the soil can freeze deep down and affect the growth of plant roots, especially trees and shrubs. A thickness of snow will prevent this from happening by keeping the ground warmer than air temperature.
For example, it was – 7.1°C one morning, inevitably cold enough to kill some plants but thanks to the snow most of them will have been fine and protected under their new blanket.
Snow also brings nitrogen into the garden as it encapsules the nitrogen molecules from the atmosphere. Nitrogen is essential for plants to grow strong and healthy. The only disadvantage I can think of is the heavy weight of a deep layer of snow on the tops of trees or plants. Therefore, when there is a heavy fall of snow remember to remove or remove some (but not all) snow from branches and delicate plants to prevent them from damaging from the weight of the snow.